New Jersey Gambling License Renewal Deadline Approaching [...]
- April 13, 2015 By Oliver Young -
The Poker Players Alliance published the “We the People” petition in order to save online gambling sites authorised by states.
The Poker Players Alliance on 2nd of April, 2015, published a “We the People” petition whose main objective is to oppose the efforts of some Congressmen to force US states to shut down poker sites and online casinos authorised by particular states.
However, it seems highly unlikely that the minimum requirement of 100,000 signatures within thirty days will be reached if the present rate of growing is taken into account. Currently, only 3,823 people have decided to give their signatures even though a vast number of online gambling sites and media have been covering the topic from the start. This can be seen as a serious sign of player apathy.
Nevertheless, players still have time to express their opinion on the situation by giving their signature and supporting the petition.
Anti-RAWA Petition Explained
The Anti-RAWA petition is published on the White House website at the section of petitions. Interested parties can check how many people have already given their signature and how many are needed in order for the petition to be successful. The current situation of 3,823 signatures in total and 96,177 signatures needed more than 10 days after it has been published is far from promising.
The “We the People” petition started by the Poker Players Alliance begins with two powerful messages who call people to “protect Internet freedom” and to “oppose efforts in Congress” to shut down poker and gaming sites authorised by states.
The short text explains that there are people in the US Congress who want to impose federal shutdown on online poker and betting sites as well as ban future establishment of such sites. According to the group, the Tenth Amendment directs that states have the right to decide such matters and it cannot be allowed for the Congress to take over the control.
The group in the text also highlights the importance of safe and secure US iGaming sites in prevention of underage gambling and protection of those who have a gambling problem.
Weekly Update from PPA Vice President Rich Muny
Rich Muny, the Vice President of the Poker Players Alliance is known for giving weekly updates for those who are interested in what’s happening in the online gambling industry. In his latest weekly update he explained that even the smallest wins for gaming sites comes with a lot of hard work. Muny also points out that the fight for keeping remote gambling sites is far from over.
He reminded people of John Pappas scheduled debate with Las Vegas Sands VP of Government Relations Andy Abboud several months ago. That time Abboud decided not to appear on the Conservative Political Action Conference since anti-poker lobbyists prefer backroom lobbying than open debates.
Muny praised the excellent speech on the rights of poker players John Pappas gave and how he explained why the states have their right to authorise online poker or not.
Finally, PPA’s Vice President asked all online gamblers to give support to the petition because even if there are no 100,000 signatures, the Congress will most definitely see people’s opposition to HR 707.